Monday 26 October 2009

Is living together before you're married...a bad idea?

So, there's this modern day trend of living together before your married, err why? I'm 30 years old, and I've never lived with a man. It's such a big step, and a sure fire way to kill romance no?

Part of the excitement of a relationship is the mystery, the unpredictability, the longing. That feeling of not being able to wait until you set eyes on your beloved. That can't be achieved, if you're exposed - on a daily basis, to all the things that make us human - if you know what I mean.

Remember the sentiment, if you love something set it free - familiarity breeds contempt, doesn't it?, or worse still - indifference.

So is it then best, to leave living together, until you've faithfully, and 'officially' - promised to 'I-do'.

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