Sunday 20 December 2009

Men are from Mars Women are from Venus

I've chosen to skim the love bibles, so you don't have to. Firstly, up for review is an oldie but-a-goldie. John Gray's international best seller 'Men are from Mars women are from Venus'.

The book, as suggested by the title, asserts the notion that men and women are as different as beings from other planets. And no amount of pleading on our parts will ever change this fact. This, suggests Gray, is a major reason why problems arise in relationships. Because men expect women to behave more like men, amd women expect men to behave more like women - impossible.

He argues that only when the sexes each acknowledge their differences, will life and relationships become easier and happier.

An example often used to illustrate these differences, is the different way in which men and women supposedly approach arguments. Apparently, during a disagreement with a man, a woman will want to talk about the issue (often till she's blue in the face), until a solution is found. Whereas a man, will often want to withdraw and not talk at all, because they are not as comfortable with discussing their emotions as women are.

Gray suggests that, when a woman wants to continuously communicate (because this is where she feels comfortable), and a man wishes to retreat into his cave. The worst thing she can do is follow him in, ask him what's wrong, and demand they talk. Because nothing at this point will get resolved. And I have observed, ah-hum, that some women in relationships feel as though they have the right to nag to get what they want. While men often use the excuse, that women are over-emotional, so as not to have to communicate at all.

Men are from Mars women are from Venus, is a timeless practical guide to help improve communication between men and women. And Gray is right to highlight that men and women often approach relationships differently. But these differences shouldn't be used to explain away the often extreme differences in expectations that men and women have.

One thing Gray fails to point-out is, that, if your lady keeps on demanding that you need to talk, or your man is more in his cave than out. Maybe you should both go back to your different planets and call it quits. Some things are just not worth arguing about. Good book.

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