Sunday 27 September 2009

The g man

No word of a lie - this is an actual telephone conversation I had with a guy who I met and exchanged numbers with the previous week - this is how it went.

Phone rings:

Me: Hello

g: Hey how u doing

Me: I'm good, what u upto?

g: What u got planned today, you want any company?

Me: Company... company for what?

g: I don't know, a shoulder to lean on

Me: I always need a shoulder to lean on - are we going out?

g: I don't take women out in this weather!

Me: why what's wrong with the weather?

g: It's cold

Me: cold - this is england, it's cold for 8 months of the year - so for 8 months of the year you won't take a woman anywhere?

g: (silence, then)... no no sorry babes, I do, I do, where do u wanna go?

Me: Nowhere! (in a disgusted tone)

g: (silence, then)... ok, well if u change your mind call me innit

Me: Yeah... of course!!!

Needless to say that was the last time I spoke to the 'g' man...


  1. Hmmm, it was over for me when he suggested you'd need a shoulder to lean on. LOL
